Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Human waste, a realistic agricultural alternative?

When someone first hears the word, "Human Waste" or for more of a scientific word "Bio solids," the first thing that comes to mind is probably "Pooh" or "Feces." Now when you mix that word with agriculture, the first the thing that would probably come to mind is "What the?!" "Food grown in pooh?!." Now this is not entirely true because the human waste goes through a lot of changes as it goes through sewage treatment plants before it is used a agricultural fertilizers. 

Where do these bio solids really come from? Bio solids are actually the left over solid waste after waste-water treatment process, which takes the water out of our waste and recycles it into lakes, after the removal of harmful substances of course. After the treatment of the bio solids it is now ready to be used in agriculture as a fertilizer, put into our landfills, or incinerated.

Why use bio solids as a fertilizer? Bio solids contain important plant nutrients including nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc, all of which are essential for healthy plant growth.

As we live in a developed, westernised nation, we tend to not give second thought to choices made, we tend to ignore other possibilities that will very much help society as a whole. I feel that when individuals hear the words, human waste and agriculture together, they will probably be against it, without second thought, without realising the benefits of so.

I feel that we should put our selfishness aside, our waste is much better used in our agriculture rather than in incinerators or landfills that without doubt, do harm to our environment.

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Source 3


1 comment:

  1. Nice posting Mark! I agree that human feces are best put to use in our agriculture rather than incinerators or landfills that with in turn, do harm to our environment, but for the few that are still non-believing in the benefits of biosolids, how do you think we can convince them to come around and be supporters of the potential stakeholders surround this issue?
