Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Societal needs have lead to technological advancements leading to effects on our health

In the past 25 years Canada has witnessed a dramatic increase in obesity rates. What caused obesity rates to increase at such alarming rates? Numerous factors contributed to the increase of obesity rates, specifically technological advances. 

Inactivity one of the reasons for obesity has become a worldwide practice because of technology. In the past people became entertained through physical activities because technology at the time was premature. As time progressed video games started to develop. Soon video games became a daily routine for people of all ages, it replaced physical games such as soccer, basketball, etc. The same could be said for television, we’re at the point where televisions are affordable to any class family. The technological advances of video games and televisions have created an addictive practice that harms are own health. 

Poor eating habits, over the years fast food has become so readily available. Every other block of a developed area is bound to have at least one fast food restaurant including Mcdonalds, Wendys, Pizza Pizza, etc. Not only has fast food become more readily available but it has also become more convenient through drive-thru’s and more advanced appliances that make our food’s in minutes. 
As time progresses it is surprising how more people want the perfect appearance; 6-pack abs, bigger arms, but want to achieve such things without the traditional methods of exercise. People want the easy way out, they eat all these fast foods, play all these video games and expect a healthy appearance. This flaw in society has given businesses an opportunity to take our money. Weight-loss pills, and liposuction have become all to common in advertisements.  Surprisingly people fall for these false advertisements, expecting positive results when they are actually harming their internals. 

So far I have only been pointing out the negatives of technology, but a glimmer of hope can be seen in some industries. An example is Nintendo and their invention of the Wii, incorporating physical activities with video games. Other big name industries soon followed in Nintendo’s food steps including Microsoft with their Xbox Kinect and Sony with their Playstation Move. 

Although advancements in technology have been proven to lead to poor lifestyles, it is evident that some companies are making an attempt to incorporate goodness into bad lifestyles.

1. Justin Lasala
I find it quite astonishing how mankind has developed over the past years. In the last century, scientific advancements has made it possible to do things that were previously thought impossible. I can't even imagine what's next.

2. Jerwin Lalata
I don't know if it's a good thing that companies are taking advantage of the wants of society in terms of a healthier lifestyle, but I have a mixed opinion towards these "energy drink" they're coming up with. Do these drinks really do us any good? They may prove to be good in the short term but how about the long term? It seems too good to be true to have such benefits without any sort of loss. 


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